About us

Fair prices & high quality is our top priority. Ghostifyed is not a platform like the regular Ghostproducer websites you already visited, but an independent shop. We work with a permanent team of producers and thus we can guarantee a constant and always high quality.

But why should you choose us? We not only stand out from the crowd due to our price-performance ratio but also with our excellent customer service. It is important to us that every customer, artist or DJ buys his own track from us because of his trust in our high quality standards. With us you get everything you need in order to get started right away: The radio mix for Spotify and Co., extended Mix for your DJ set and all Stems & Midis to have your track remixed or to work with another producer. We are transparent, have no hidden costs and we always do our best to help you find the right track for your next release.

Any more questions left? Don´t hesitate to contact us by writing us an email. We are looking forward to hearing from you.